ezFile.io easily share files securely

About ezFile.io

Easily share files with others.

Here is my story: I can't begin to tell you how many times in my life I've heard friends, family, and coworkers always asking me questions like these. How should I send this file to you? Can you help me send this file? My email won't let me send a file this size; it's too big; how can I send it?

I've solved these problems by creating ezFile.io. It allows anyone to upload a file, even gigabytes in size, and share a link to download the file.

Professionally I work as an information technology engineer specializing in security. My biggest concern was protecting the files shared by the people I care about with others. I've seen my friends and family share documents that contain credit card information, social security information, or personal health information through an unsecured email. (Yikes) This system protects that information by ensuring that the files you share are seen only by the people you want.

Security: I have added some features that further protect the files you upload. You can add a password to a file upload without using complex third-party tools. Files remain on our servers for a limited time. The file(s) you upload get deleted after they are either downloaded or expire, whichever comes first. The website estimates your city and state when you upload a file. This gives confidence that you sent the file and not someone else.